
  β–‘ May i take your order?

Commission Information

please read the following below before ordering β˜†

Guide : -- ToS -> Price List -> Process -> Form Order

β˜† Terms of Service β˜†

  • Tidak ada pengembalian dana atau pembatalan komis jika sudah bayar dan kirim form

  • Harga bisa berubah tergantung kerumitan.

  • untuk pemakaian Personal Only, pemakaian komersial di diskusikan melalui DM (2x-3x lipat dari harga normal).

  • Jika komisnya akan di print menjadi merch dengan jumlah banyak(lebih dari 5) akan di cas 2,5x dari harga

  • Saya mempunyai hak untuk menolak komisi apapun jika tidak nyaman dan alasan personal

  • Akan mulai dikerjakan setelah menerima pembayaran Full di depan.

  • Maksimum revisi untuk setiap step adalah 3 kali lebih dari itu akan kena fee 8K per revisi, setelah kita sepakat dengan sesuatu & final, revisi lagi tidak diperbolehkan.

  • Hasil komisi akan di post di SNS sebagai portofolio, jika ingin komisi NDA(private tidak akan di post SNS+jadi portofolio) akan di cas +65-100% harga komisi dan semua hak komisi tetap milik Artist.

  • Watermarks tidak akan dihilangkan, tetapi akan diberikan 2 File(WM untuk di post dan No WM untuk personal use) Saat dipakai atau di post tolong disertakan kredit dan dipakai dengan cermat.

  • Tolong sertakan referensi yang jelas dan lengkap pose(hanya foto asli!), clothes, props, moodboard/color, skin tone(warm/cool/both), dsb di dalam google drive folder / kirim di dm.

  • Standar resolusi adalah 350 dpi, jika ingin berbeda tolong ditulis dalam form saat order.

  • Standar ukuran canvas adalah A5-A6, jika ingin berbeda tolong ditulis dalam form saat order

  • Artist memegang semua hak atas karya yang dikomisi.

  • No refund or cancel commission after paying and sending the form

  • Price can change depending on the complexity.

  • For Personal use only, commercial work will be discussed through DM (2x-3x from the based price).

  • If the commission is printed as a merch with a big quantity(more than 5) it will be charge 2,5x the price

  • I have the right to decline any commission i'm not comfortable with and personal reason.

  • Will start to work after receiving Full payment upfront

  • Maximum revision for every steps are 3x more than that will be charge 10$ per revision, once we agree on something & it is final, more revision are not allowed.

  • The commission results will be post on my SNS as portofolio, If you want NDA commission(will not be post in SNS & as portofolio) it will be charge +65-100% the commission price and the Artist still owns all rights of the commission.

  • Watermarks will not be removed, but i will provide 2 file(WM to post and No WM for personal use) When used or post please credit and use wisely.

  • Please provide a clear and detailed references pose(potrait/real pic only!), clothes, props, moodboard/color & skin tone(warm/cool/both), etc in a google drive folder / send in dm.

  • The standard resolution are 350 dpi if you choose different resolution please include it in the form when ordering.

  • The standard canvas size are A5-A6, if you choose different size please include it in the form when ordering.

  • The artist holds all the rights of the commission.

β˜† Price List β˜†

TypeSimpleFull RenderBlack&White/Sketch OnlyAdditional Chara
SD (Headshot)35K50K25K-40K/25K30K/45K
SD (ID Pic)40K55K30K-45K/30K35K/50K
SD (Full Body)50K65K40K-55K/40K45K/60K
ID Pic65K90K75K/55K55K/80K
Bust up90K125K105K/85K80K/115K

● penambahan karakter untuk type BnW adalah price-10K(ex:35K-10=25K).
● Type untuk ID Photo bisa Bust up(harga seperti diatas).
● Standar resolusi untuk canvas adalah 350 dpi.

● additional character price for Black and White is price-10K(ex:35K-10=25K).
● Type for ID Photo can be Bust up(price like above)
● The standard resolution for the canvas are 350 dpi


OC, Fanarts(Animanga, Webtoon, Novel, etc), Potraits, HL/BL/GLNSFW, Mecha/Armor, Elder, Gore, Detailed BG, Realism,Animal

Untuk BL Commission hanya menerima OC, AllxMC, dan Rilis Work(Novel, Webtoon, Danmei, Manga)
For BL Commission i only accept OC, AllxMC, and Publish
Work(Novel, Webtoon, Danmei, Manga)

Payment Method

● Lokal : BCA(Prio), Shopeepay(Prio), DANA, Gopay, BTPN/Jenius
● Intl : Paypal, Wise, Ko-fi, Buy Me a Coffee

● Refund tidak diperbolehkan setelah sketch dibuat.
● Refund are not allowed after the sketch has been made.

β˜† Process β˜†

  • DM ke twitter @zv__n7 atau instagram beserta dengan form untuk penyesuaian harga dan diskusi order yang sudah di submit.

  • Setelah sepakat klien akan diminta untuk membayar yang sudah ditentukan.

  • Durasi proses komisi sekitar beberapa hari atau 1-3 minggu tergantung situasi.(bisa lebih cepat)

  • Hasil akhir akan dikirim melalui email dalam bentuk google drive beserta dengan invoice.

penyesuaian harga -> deposit dan konfirmasi deposit -> sketch -> konfirmasi -> warna base dan tone -> konfirmasi -> pewarnaan -> perbaikan dan penyelesaian -> pengiriman hasil akhir

  • DM @zv__n7 in twitter or instagram including the form for price adjustment and discuss the submitted order.

  • After reaching an agreement client will pay the amount that has been decided.

  • Duration for the process is about 1-3 weeks depending on the situation.(can be faster)

  • Final Artwork will be delivered through Email with Google Drive link and the invoice.

enquiries and pricing adjustment -> deposit and deposit confirmation -> sketch -> confirmation -> base color and tone -> confirmation -> rendering -> adjustment and finishing -> final piece delivery

β™‘_Form Order ------ ●●●X

Email: (for invoice and final piece delivery)Type:Size :References : (Send in DM(if it’s only 2 image ref) / Gdrive folder(if more than 2 please give detailed description pose(from real picture not the uploaded tracing pose)Deadline: (If there is)

β˜† SD β˜† -------------------- x


ID Photo

β˜† Headshot β˜† ------------ β˜† Bust Up β˜†

β˜† ID Photo β˜†

β˜† Black and White β˜†

β˜† Slot and Status β˜† ------------ x

@joekarxBust up,BnWβœ”οΈPaid
@pecanduhukumBust Up,Renderβœ”οΈPaid
@shenqnrueBust Up,Renderβœ”οΈPaid